Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Purple Cow

The feeling of complete overwhelm is completely bearable when extreme excitement follows right along with it. This past weekend I learned some of the most valuable information for my acting career. That it is a business and not just something I love.

The MBA Crash Course weekend with The Savvy Actor is one of the best things I have ever done for my career thus far. I learned that I am a product. (Yep, and you thought only prostitutes sold themselves). I need to brand, package, and market myself. Basically, I need to completely redo my business. Which is a terrifying and shocking discovery, but I have never been so excited about the outcome. As soon as I decide what exactly I bring into the room (my essence), I will change my headshot, resume, website, audition pieces etc. Because they all need to match! And I have to try and define my essence...ay ay ay. Sure, we are all talented actors, but we need to stand out by being smart actors and marketing ourselves in such a way that we are appealing to the casting directors, agents, etc. What a beautiful discovery!

If you are a NY or LA resident and you feel like something is missing from your career. That something isn't quite adding up, I highly highly recommend taking this class...it's well worth the money! (Which is another thing I learned...I have to spend money on my business in order to gain money...damn).

Ultimately, this post is just to express my endless gratitude to The Savvy Actor and encourage all you actors to take this class, but also, for those of you who aren't actors....Acting is FREAKING hard! I know in college it's like "the easy major" but we have to do SO much to get a job. We are constantly rejected and competing and shelling out vulnerability, cash, time, and never ending effort because even if you land one huge thing, you're back to step one to get the next job. It's a business too! So don't knock it.

Here is a link if you are interested in classes or coaching! Oh and their first workshop is free so you should check it out!


P.S If you are thinking "Why is this post called "The Purple Cow"? Then you should take the class! :P

Things I learned this week: Ripley Grier Studios is hot as hell when there are 13 auditions going on in one day!

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