"Thank you for thinking of me today!"
The above quote was the voice mailbox of a fellow actor. How obnoxious, but also cleverly cute. I encourage all of you to come up with as fun a voice mailbox, because casting directors get your voicemail about 65% of the time when they call you. How do I know this? I'm working with a casting director this week! Getting to see the other side of the theatre world.
It has given me a whole new glimpse into what actors are like. So far I have done a lot of calls and getting actors auditions off email submissions. Favorites so far include:
"May your work be compelling and original. May it be profound, touching, contemplative, and unique. May it help us to reflect on the question of what it means to be human, and may that reflection be blessed with heart, sincerity, candor, and grace. May you overcome adversity, censorship, poverty and nihilism, as many of you will most certainly be obliged to do. May you be blessed with the talent and rigor to teach us about the beating of the human heart in all its complexity, and the humility and curiosity to make it your life's work. And may the best of you - for it will only be the best of you, and even then only in the rarest and briefest moments - succeed in framing that most basic of questions, "how do we live?"
The above quote was the voice mailbox of a fellow actor. How obnoxious, but also cleverly cute. I encourage all of you to come up with as fun a voice mailbox, because casting directors get your voicemail about 65% of the time when they call you. How do I know this? I'm working with a casting director this week! Getting to see the other side of the theatre world.
It has given me a whole new glimpse into what actors are like. So far I have done a lot of calls and getting actors auditions off email submissions. Favorites so far include:
- One actor listed 4 t.v shows that he has been an audience member at...on his resume! (Hint: if you are in the audience, you're not the actor. Also, it's a game show...so you aren't really acting even if you were a contestant.)
- One woman listed her boob cup size on the resume. That's all I'm gonna say.
- Apparently there is a heading on a resume known as "Memberships"?
- I received an email from an actor that was 5 paragraphs long listing the exact type of person they were. Glad to know WAY too much about you. We just need the time you would like to audition with an attached headshot and resume.
- I also received a call from an actor with a list of great credentials. I told him to come in any time today or tomorrow. He responded, "Well I'm a little intoxicated right now"...Wait, but he called me....
No wonder casting directors have such good stories! Loads of crazies!
Another reason for todays blog post, and perhaps the most important is that it is WORLD THEATRE DAY! What a wonderful day to celebrate. In honor of this day, I am starting a new thing on the blog. What I will dub a "Challenge" The one for this week is----Go see a live show!!! Theatre is only possible with an audience and is really a medium for everyone. And if you are an actor, you should be seeing as much as possible!
For those of you who aren't active theatre fans, but rather just active Lys fans, here is the World Theatre Day 2012 Message from John Malkovich.
"May your work be compelling and original. May it be profound, touching, contemplative, and unique. May it help us to reflect on the question of what it means to be human, and may that reflection be blessed with heart, sincerity, candor, and grace. May you overcome adversity, censorship, poverty and nihilism, as many of you will most certainly be obliged to do. May you be blessed with the talent and rigor to teach us about the beating of the human heart in all its complexity, and the humility and curiosity to make it your life's work. And may the best of you - for it will only be the best of you, and even then only in the rarest and briefest moments - succeed in framing that most basic of questions, "how do we live?"
This is some powerful stuff. Think about it. Many people commit their lives to this wonderful art.
So in conclusion, THEATRE RULES and "Thank you for thinking of me today!"
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