Well, my week as a casting director’s assistant has come to a close. I have lived how the other half lives! And oh what a journey! First off let’s just get this out there…we do make fun of you and talk about you if you are weird or crazy (sometimes if you are talented too). And I’m kinda shocked at how many people are…crazy, that is.
The amount of people that called in to audition and upon arrival said they were not available the day of the shoot, appalled me. It says it RIGHT there in the casting break down! Let’s learn to read. Also, many actors and parents were very rude to the assistants. We don’t cast you, but we can sure as hell tell the CD that you are a butt. You should have made a different appointment time if you only had 10 minutes to spare. But let’s not get caught up on rude people, they are everywhere. The funny people were the best…
One man called and wanted to audition, but couldn’t come in. He said he had some songs on youtube (they were already established songs he rewrote the lyrics too) but that you could not see his face in the videos. When I asked if he had a headshot or photo he could send us, he responded with “No, but I can email you the username and password to my dating profile so you can see a picture of me”
Yes, we had a field day with that one! He never thought to just copy and paste a picture…the best part is, when we tried to log on, we had the wrong password, so it emailed him a new one…whoops! He also had a hysterical last name, but I fear that may give too much away on a public blog.
Other highlights of the week include “stomping girl” (who literally stomped all the way to the audition room) , a woman who cried when asked to sing happy birthday, a dancer who I like to call “No rhythm spastic napoleon dynamite”, and the stage mom who thought if she danced, her daughter may try and dance with her. We also were in charge of sending out emails. My friend Ashley wrote to one woman and signed the note “Best, Ashley” the following email started with “Hey Audrey!” ahem, the name is written in the email!!!
Needless to say the week was a fun one! I would definitely consider working with a casting director again, but I still think I’d rather be the one auditioning!